Great transparent boost. I use it to boost the clean tones of a Fender strat into a Rivera Chubster 40 tube-amp. I have never had a chance to compare this to a Klon or to the more expensive Klones, but for such a low asking price, this is a great pedal. My best recommendation is that since I bought it, I always have it on, whether as a transparent boost, or to slightly drive my amp into dirt. It just improves your base tone, and also works as a great buffer that helps preserve treble in your signal if you have a long pedal-chain or long cable runs. Also works nicely together with other drive pedals to create a more saturated tone (I use it with e.g. a Rat 2 and a Big Muff). My one criticism is that I prefer it as a clean or cleanish boost, because the sound becomes a bit unfocused/muffled/nasal, not in a good way, on higher gain settings. Because it improved my tone so much, I'm now GAS'ing for an Archer, Tumnus, Klon KTR, or similar, in hopes they will sound even better. Still, for the money it's a great pedal, and if used mostly as a boost to your clean sound, it is truly great. It also saves pedalboard space, since it is very small and compact.