I only use the AA to get one sound and control the level difference for ryhtm and lead with my guitars volume pot.
The cool thing with the AA is it’s weight and size, the DI which supports high res IR’s and has it’s own volume, that it has a usable noise gate for anything but hard gating, an EQ and fx loop.
I also use a tiny amount of it’s reverb.
The build in boosts are usable too but don’t work to well for guitar volume control, so using one in front of the unit instead.
If I prefered to engage more volume with my feet, it eould be as simple as restricting the unit to 2 patches pr. channel instead of 3 and just add more volume as lead patch.
Downside for the AA might be that a mac or pc is required to get the full potential out of the unit.
Little update, new firmware from 22. February 2024 adds additional amps, bug fixes and the ability to lock the physicsl knobs.
As for setting it up for amps with cabs and PA, it has to be setup for the amp first because the Master Volume controls jack outputlevel, just like a preamp is supossed to.
When done the other output levels can be adjusted.
Just wanted to add this since in a review further down someone went for the complete opposite approach when setting it up.
Also make sure to move the send/return loop to sit straight after the preamp, again just like it is placed on a real amp, that will remove digital noise when using the loop.