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Millenium MPS-850 E-Drum Set

1568 Kundebedømmelser

4.5 / 5

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596 Anmeldelser

Millenium MPS-850 E-Drum Set
4.599 kr
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Afsendelse forventet torsdag, 20.03.
Meget velegnet som trigger
Rune DK 16.05.2021
Jeg har købt sættet til mit studie hvor jeg tracker trommer med SD3 og bruger sættet som trigger, hvilket det er helt fint til. Det er den mest komplette pakke til prisen og umuligt at matche med andre sæt fra nyt. Feel og spilbarhed bliver væsentligt forbedret med tre-lags mesh skind på trommerne, hvilket giver et mere realistisk anslag og rebound. Især hvis du "stemmer" trommerne med samme rebound som et akustisk sæt. Det gør også øvning mere realistisk. Sættet er rimeligt støjsvagt og kan sagtens anvendes i et almindeligt hus, uden at man bliver skilt (af den grund).

Bækkenerne og modulet er sættets svageste punkt. Crash bækkenerne er ret svære at indstille til et realistisk feel med mindre du slår med velocity 127 hver gang og der er af og til slag som bækkenet ikke opfanger. Klokken på ride bækkenet skal have tæsk for at sende noget uanset hvor følsomt du indstiller den. Til gengæld er hihatten et lyspunkt og af en beskaffenhed du ellers ikke ser i denne prisklasse. Den giver fin respons på splash, lukket og åben lyd og selve bækkenet har en fin feel. Jeg har dog ikke helt fundet ud af logikken bagved de to trigger zones i hihat bækkenet, henholdsvis edge og top, da den virker til at trigge dem ret vilkårligt. Det kan dog løses ved at sætte begge zoner til samme midi kanal. Den medfølgende stortrommepedal er ikke særligt god hvis du har brug for en dynamisk og hurtig pedal, men fin til de flestes behov.

Modulet er ikke særligt intuitivt og fryser ofte efter tryk på save knappen. Den gemmer dog dit save inden den fryser. Der er også en indbygget timer som slukker automatisk efter 30 min, med mindre du slår den fra. Unødvendig funktion som default. Ellers gør det hvad det skal og du kan indstille de væsentligste ting for at få et ret realistisk trigger billede. Jeg har aldrig brugt de indbyggede lyde og må sige de er komisk dårlige til andet end nødløsning.
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A bit of a surprise.
CISPLAT1N 08.01.2020
First of all. I am not a drummer. I bought this because I prefer to actually play drums while recording in my DAW. In other words I'm playing the best I can of what comes to mind and then I heavily edit the parts.

I think it works great for what I'm doing.

Second of all. I'm really surprised at how good this drumset actually is. Everything seems to be working okay and the quality of the parts is much better than I expected.

But let's take the "bad" things first. Everything coming from the module sounds bad. It reacts nearly instantly(low latency)so that's good. I've played with in ears that came with my phone and some DT 770. It just sounds bad. But it is usable. Which means that you can hear it is a snare etc.

Assembling was straight forward and it didn't take very long. While adjusting it to my liking I used played along with the onboard songs. That took a long time and I now hate most of those horrible play-a-long tunes.

But it does work and the modules menu works fine I guess. I've noodled around with settings but I'm not really sure what I did or if it actually did very much(Sensitivity, x-talk)stuff like that. Reset factory settings works great though and I'm sticking with that for now. Stopping the crash, ride with grip or whatever it is called is not usable for me. You have to grab really hard. I can't do that. It stops instantly though. But I can't do that fast enough. Lack of finger strength I guess.


I have it fairly wide spread. Not like in the Thomann picture and it measures 1.35 meters wide. And about 1.00 meter deep(Including drum throne). I know that this is considered "small" but it feels and looks huge I thought it would have a smaller footprint.


The mesh heads a super quiet. The crashes etc doesn't make much noise either. The bass drum though isn't exactly loud as it uses the same mesh as the snare as far as I can see. But the thump? OMG is it loud. First of all you have to stomp pretty hard as it is velocity sensitive. It's very low freq. But you can almost feel it. I can't wait to explain to my downstairs neighbours why I am doing these heavy stomps in the floor.

I might get a noise eater if it becomes a problem. IT IS DISTURBINGLY LOUD if my explanation didn't quite get through.

Same goes for hi-hat pedal. It's just really loud.

Speaking of the hi-hat pedal. I haven't figured it out yet. But I'm pretty sure that it have three positions. Open, closed and somewhere in between. I haven't made a lot of menu stuff for it. But it seems like that's it. Works fine though. But it's not super accurate. I feel that it doesn't do things instantly and you kinda have to be a little ahead. It could be an adjustment thing though. It also turns when hitting it. There might be a locking mechanism I haven't figured out yet. But every 30 minutes or so I have to turn it back.

I've watched a couple of Youtube videos on this set and read through the reviews on this site and I basically wanted to address what I've heard or read about this kit.

For what I'm going to use it for(sketching out drum parts in DAW)it's perfect. It's bigger than I thought it would be but I've fitted it in my room so that's fine for now and I can't fit anything larger in here.

I absolutely give a thumbs of for this kit. It's really good and may be better than you think.

PS - This review will be edited as I go along. I just had to write it now because I am so pleasantly surprised right now. I'm fairly sure problems will arise when I start recording :)
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Good for home practice
Luke EarthWalker 07.09.2020
I am not gonna write lengthy review as this is a good drumset for home practice and other reviews already tell you that. The only recommendation I would have for thomann is to make the damn hihat and snare cables longer, the hihat sits right next to the module and is still being drawn to the side by cable tension. Apart from this it serves its purpose.
The sounds in the module are of course not great but this is not the price point where you complain about that. Either pay a couple thousand for higher end roland module if you need good sound or a hundred bucks for VST, it is worth it.
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Millenium MPS-850 E-Drum Set