I was waiting to the CST-24 come with P90's and here it was! Out of the box its was set up properly, with good intonation and action, almost in tune. The frets are perfect, even polished! Nut well slotted! The overall finish is fantastic!, Well crafted guitar indeed!
3 negatives though; The Roswell P90's are Ceramic pickups and very thin sounding, they lack warmth. I had the Wilkinson P90's in the TE-90QM and they sounded dynamic, fat and warm. So far Im not fascinated at all by the Roswell pickups (I tried most of them, ST, FLT, Humbuckers, TE and now P90).
The tremolo block can not be bent sharp because its mounted too close to the cavity wall. One can only bend flat which in my case is all I need. Otherwise, the trem works fine.
The soldering is done badly in this exemplar. It sure works but the solder looks cold and not so tidy.
All in all a very good guitar for modding. I would go with new pickups and new electronics. I ended up returning it because the neck is a bit too thin for my taste and I can not live with that.