Jeg er bare så glad for denne guitar.... Den står ved min side, her ved mit arbejdsbord. Spiller lidt på den hver eneste dag... En dag monterer jeg et pick-up system så jeg kan bruge den på scenen, når jeg engang imellem har en gig... Jeg simpelt hen elsker den guitar... Den har stadig i dag 19. Maj '23 de Adamas 0:12 strenge den kom med og jeg fik guitaren i beg. af Januar '23
Update in English:
I'm just so happy with this guitar.... It's by my side, here at my work table. Plays it a little every day... One day I'll install a pick-up system so I can use it on stage when I occasionally have a gig... I simply love that guitar... It still has day 19 May '23 de Adamas 0:12 strings it came with and I got the guitar started. of January '23
Update 4/29/24
NOW more than a year later that guitar brings me real joy .. I would say I have far more expensive acoustic guitars, including a Guild bld F 50 I bought around Christmas time 1974 - , so it's 50 years ago ... But it is has become too big for me as time has gone by.. It is also a bit fragile now, and I don't dare take such an expensive instrument out for a gig anymore..
And if I play acoustic guitar, it's the little HB here that I take first. The sound has become richer as time has passed... The overtones flourish. I adjusted the neck a bit...
The nut has been lowered a tad, the bridge as well for a little lower action... As I now prefer a low action as time has passed.
I can really recommend this guitar if you want a good acoustic guitar. It far exceeds my expectations. However, maybe one day I will replace the tuning screws, they hang a bit... But keep it in tune...