... on short scale guitars!
The type of strings one uses is a very personal thing for a lot of guitarist and most become brand loyalists after a while. At least I feel that way. This day and age, I don't think any of the big string companies make objectively bad strings - they're just all different and every guitarist just has to find what works best for them.
For me, DR strings are what work best.
I use this particular set of strings for Drop C tuning on 24.75" scaled guitars. That way the high strings are still nice and bendy while the low strings are nice and tight for riffs full of chuggy goodness.
DR strings feel nice and very smooth, which makes sliding along the fretboard easy for me and they keep that trait longer than most other strings I have tried.
Their sound is bright and transparent - another trait that keeps longer than on most other string I have tried.
So if you are looking for a set of heavy bottom strings that sounds bright, feels smooth and keeps for a long time for a good bang for the buck, I highly recommend you give the DR Tite Fits a try.