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Doepfer A-112


Sampler / Wavetable module

The A-112 Module is a combined module of a voltage-controlled 8-bit sampler and a wavetable oscillator. Moreover, it is able to produce effects. It is available as a supplemental sound generator module for the A-100 with the characteristic sound characteristics of the early 8.Bit samplers and cannot be compared with commercially available MIDI samplers!

"Sampling mode: "

8-Bit audio resolution , 128 kB memory in 2 banks (S1, S2) of 64KB each (this corresponds to 2 seconds sampling time at 32 kHz sampling frequency), audio input with attenuator, overdrive display in recording mode (gate LED) Dump capability to archive sounds, non-volatile memory for the samples in the module, manual tune control to adjust the sampling rate during recording and playback, the CV input (1V / octave), along with the tune control The sampling rate or pitch (pitch 5 octaves corresponding to 0 ... 5V, pitch resolution 1/4 semitone), gate input (no pure trigger, but the sample is started at the positive edge and runs until the Gate input becomes "high" or the end of the sample is reached), manual gate button, unfiltered audio output (ie, quantisation sounds can be used for sound generation).

Wavetable mode:

A special form of sampling mode, with the audio input acting as a control input for the sample which is stored in one of two banks (S1, S2) with 64 kbyte of memory each. In wavetable mode each bank is arranged as 256 pages of 256 bytes. The wavetables are loaded in the sampling memory (normally loaded via MIDI dump), thus making a wavetable oscillator, in which different waveforms (with different harmonic content) are traversed by CV2. With this mode of operation, however, a "normal" sample can "pass through", which sometimes results in quite astonishing sounds (interesting for the "passing through" speech, where the language spins very extreme sound structures).


In addition, the module offers - as a free "extra" so to speak - some effects such as delay, reverse delay, pitch shifter and freeze. It should be stressed, however, that these effects can not be compared with the result of high-quality effectors due to the 8-bit resolution and should only be understood as a free-of-charge addition for bizarre sounds.

  • Combined module of voltage-controlled 8-bit sampler and wavetable oscillator
  • Width: 10 HP / 50.5 mm
  • Depth: 100 mm (measured from the back of the front panel)
  • Power Requirements: 50mA (12V) / -20mA (-12V)
Fås siden Juli 2004
Artikelnummer 171664
salgsenhed 1 stk
Analog No
Digital Yes
Width 10 TE / HP
variants Doepfer
1.129 kr
portofrit og inkl. moms
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Afsendelse forventet fredag, 28.02.

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6 Anmeldelser

google translate gb
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Wavetable/sample oscillator
Jonathan64 13.07.2013
This module takes modular synths outside the analogue realm, since it is completely 8-bit digital in nature. Don't expect the same quality as the modern soft samplers (which can be 16, 24 or 32 bit), but that is not the point. The gritty sounds you get from this module are perfect for many electronic genres, and the ability to play samples inside a modular synth, and process the results through analogue filters, or play them with a sequencer, brings a whole refreshing new dimension to your music. Get one (or even two maybe - I knew a man who had four!)
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google translate de
Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen senere.
Recht spezielles Sampler- Modul von Doepfer
Bertrand 15.10.2009
Die Bedienung ist etwas hackelig, soundmäßig sollte man keine großen Erwartungungen haben, dieser ist doch sehr schroff (8bit), kann aber nach einiger Einarbeitung sehr abgedrehte Soundeffekte erzeugen z.B. wenn in den CV in ein LFO- oder random Signal eingspeißt wird.

Es lassen sich 2 Samles speichern, die jedoch nach einiger Zeit (z.B. wenn das Modularsystem an und aus geschaltet wird) Knackser bekommen...leider, dies nervt doch zuweilen sehr. die zusätzlichen effekte konnte ich bisher nicht verwenden, da doch einfach zu rudimentär und unausgereift.

Ich habe das Sampler- Modul oft zur Erzeugung von Drumsounds, oder wie beschrieben für Soundeffekte, eingesetzt.
Man kann das Modul auch zur Reduzierung der Bit und Samplerate "mißbrauchen", indem man das Signal einfach durchschleift, die Samplerate läst sich dabei in Echtzeit verändern.
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google translate fr
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Le numérique façon Doepfer
Guillaume_Isothesis 02.02.2020
Ce delay/sampleur/oscillateur à table d'ondes de Doepfer fait partie de leurs modules les moins accessibles mais pourtant les plus intéressants. Le module sonne volontairement "lo-fi", parfait pour créer des textures plus abstraites ou pour rappeler un sampleur des années 80. Il convient parfaitement à ceux qui aiment expérimenter. Seul, ce module ne fait pas de miracles mais il prend tout son sens en interactions avec LFOs, oscillateurs, gates... À noter qu'il est trop profond pour un skiff.
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google translate de
Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen senere.
Is das kaputt?
Matthias755 18.10.2015
...hab ich zuerst gedacht. Aber halt - das klingt wirklich so! Und ja - eigentlich klingt es fantastisch! GERADE die Effect section... also nicht "professionell"... eher ergebnisoffen.
Das erzeugt einen kreativen Sog, der das üble Rauschen fast nicht mehr wahrnehmbar macht... wenn man es einmal richtig kapiert hat... also ein "Ding", das man schnell bedienen kann, um herrliche 8-Bit-Samples, chrunchige wavetables und lfo-gestörte delayeffekte in die Modular-Improvisation zu mischen um, ja, neue Horizonte aufmachen zu können. Great fun
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