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Technical data:
Blackmagic Design 2110 IP Presentation Converter Converter * Designed for lecterns * Offers connections for laptops, pro...
Blackmagic Design 2110 IP Converter 3x3G Converter from 3G-SDI to 2110-IP Video * Can convert between three separate 3G ...
Blackmagic Design 2110 IP Mini BiDirect 12G SFP Bi-Directional Mini-Converter * For integrating broadcast cameras with S...
Blackmagic Design 2110 IP Mini BiDirect 12G Bi-Directional Mini-Converter between 10G Ethernet 2110 IP & 12G/6G/3G/HD/SD...
Blackmagic Design 2110 IP Mini IP to HDMI Mini Converter 10G Ethernet 2110 IP to HDMI 2.0 * Enables monitoring of 2110 I...
Blackmagic Design 2110 IP Converter 8x12G SFP Bidirectional Eight-Channel 2110 IP Converter * With 12G-SDI and eight 10G...
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