I am sure a more proficient photography person than me could find points om criticism on this product. No optical zooming, few light adjusting features etc. However if you are more of a sound person and needs a decent 4K video recording with high quality sound, this camera is good value. Sound equals quality of Zoom's dedicated sound recorders. Very good. On the video side adjustment is locked into "scenarios" like stage, flashing lights, dark, outdoor etc. These are subjective and hard to predict, so I always use "flat" and adjust in editing afterwards. Contrary to "professional" cameras there is no 30 min limit in recording. Recording time is as long as the size of your SD card. Remember you need a fast card when recording in 4K. For HD even the cheapest cards work. On two alkaline batteries 4K recording time is only about 25 minutes, but using a power bank via USB-connector you can easily go for 5 hours. Lens is very wide angle but field-of-view is adjustable in 5 steps. Experiment with this to get familiar before doing a critical recording. Overall a great product at a good price point. Don't get scared by the non-traditional form factor.