I was planning on buying the earlier model in satin finish but was hesitant and missed the opportunity… Then suddenly the high gloss version appeared on Thomann and i went for it and made my order!
First of, the guitar is absolutely stunning. It is also one of the most comfortable guitars i have ever played. My Taylor 110e has been my workhorse for about 15 years now and the Yamaha feels like a real step up.
Sound is deep and rich with very nice high ends. The earlier mentioned Taylor offers a little bit more low end, but it also has a slightly bigger body then the Yamaha. Overall the Yamaha has a very dynamic and rich sound, very much onapar with how the Martin D-18 sounds.
Haven’t had the chans to tryout the Atmosfeel system in a live setting yet, but from what i have read about online, i cant wait!
But i can already confidently say that the FGX5 was well worth the money!