I use the Vox mv50 clean with a 12" cannabis rex 8 ohm speaker in a cab with open back (same size as a Fender Blues Junior) and a digitech rp360xp in front, effects only. I use it at home and with a soul band. Last night at a band rehearsal I was asked to turn it down a little, please :-)
The Vox mv50 clean actually works as promised. No frills and no unnecessary bells and wisles. Lots of headroom and then a nice real tube break up. Every each feature is useable and makes sence to me. I have no use for phones / line out though. It works fine with effects / pedals. It's a small, light weight, easy to use solution. It sounds just great and it is loud too. Time will tell how sturdy and reliable it is.
I did an A B test with the cannabis rex and an emminence fender special (Fender Blues Junior III standard speaker). Huge difference. Sound is a matter of taste and I think that choosing the right speaker really matters.
I really look forward to see and hear what nutube technology will develope to in the years to come. In the meantime, this is a keeper.
Right now I wonder will my blues junior or the mv50 / rex be the back up or will they just serve for different purposes?
The mv50 shure has a large tonal range from mellow rich jazz polytone like sound to bright more classic fender type sound. A blues junior cant do the same but has a little more airy tone and it is a little more touchsensitive and less clean headroom.
This affordable price, this sound quality in this small package - what a pleasant surpice. And as always good service from Thomann.