I sent my old beloved 1979 Tokai Te-80 for a refret and a plek last summer.
It had flat worn down vintage style frets, and i had them leveled once or twice, down to the limit of what was playable.
The entire process has been very enjoyable. Due to the fretboard being maple, a refin of the fretboard was unfortunately necessary. It's been applied with a thin layer of nitrous lacquer.
I was asked about how i'd like the setup, what type/size frets i'd like, and what strings to adjust the guitar for, and it has come back an absolutely amazing guitar.
It cost me just about the same as what i paid for the guitar in the first place (I was lucky), and it's definitely doubled the value of the guitar to me.
A PLEK treatment is not something that screams at you when playing - it simply manifests itself in a guitar that's perfectly set up and fretted along the entire neck. It's an absolute joy.
Can absolutely recommend.