I have a lot of microphones available in the studio. Even way more expensive ones. But this one.. for ambient miking, dirty overhead, room mic is unbeatable unless you have a Coles. But thats like 20x the price
The output is quite high (v48 is not to be used, although if you do it correctly it wont break, but just: dont) so preamps have an easy job.
It extends VERY well in the high end. Getting usable output even at 18-19 khz. The low end is on the soft side, but soound sooo warm and nice.. dont expect a firm clicky bass drum. But you do get wamrth and full low end. All the way to about 35 hz, then it rolls off.. but it eq's well until around 25 hz.
If you have the need for this kind of microphone I cant recommend it enough. I cant attest to the lifespan of this thing, but I hope it last me many years. Just loving it.
Mostly using it as ambient/room mic.. with som hefty compressing bonham style you will get just that: the bonham ambient sound.
get one.. oh.. and I prefer it with stock ribbon.. its thicker and a bit looser in the lowend, but thats what I need, for firm lowend I have condensers. And the stock ribbon is also a lot less brittle ( no great risk of damage due to a mic drop or getting to close to a snare drum)