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2. Acoustic or electronic?

So, should I get an acoustic or an E-Drum set?

Straight answer: Both. It depends on what you want to do. An electronic drum set can do things that an acoustic set cannot and vice versa. So how are e-drums different and what makes them stand out from the crowd?


The sound in an electronic set is generated by the drum module, which can produce up to 1000 sounds of various acoustic and electronic instruments, that can be customized to your liking. This lack of customizability makes acoustic drum sets rather unsuitable for styles like techno, dance or R'n'B, which are based on electronic sounds, an area where E-drums excel. While high-end electronic drum sets now offer incredibly realistic acoustic sounds that can rival those of traditional drum sets, not everyone can justify the steep price tag. Additionally, some music styles require the natural acoustics and dynamic nuances that only acoustic drum sets can deliver.


An electronic set requires less space than an acoustic one. This becomes interesting when you have limited space available, for example, a small one-room apartment, an office corner, or a kid's room. An electronic drum set can be easily set up and taken down, folded up and placed against the wall or in a closet. The electronic drum set clearly has the advantage here!


E-drum sets do not have conventional drumheads and as a result produce less noise than acoustic sets, thanks to the rubber or mesh drum pads. When using headphones, they hardly make any noise. This is a huge advantage for practicing in an apartment, compared to an acoustic drum kit!

CAUTION: Pedals thumping, sticks clacking, and beats bumping - electronic drum sets can still bring the noise. But let's face it, not every neighbor or roommate is willing to jam out with us 24/7. That's where sound-absorbing floor mats and damping mats come in to save the day (and our relationships). These little wonders work like magic, helping to keep the peace and letting you keep the groove going without disturbing the peace ;-)


With the touch of a button, E-drums give you access to hundreds of sounds and settings that always sound the same, making them perfect for those quick gigs where time is of the essence. No more worrying about the volume being too loud or too soft on stage, as you can easily adjust it on the mixer. And let's not forget about the studio - say goodbye to the hassle of microphone placement and hello to 100% sound control. Electronic drums save time and make recording sessions a breeze. Of course, the sound of an acoustic drum set is heavily influenced by the environment it's played in, and when it's in a great-sounding room, it can be incredibly inspiring! After all, who doesn't love that natural reverb and resonance?

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