The Mooer Pre Amp Live is an impressive product.
Basically it is a 3 bank by 4 presets emulated guitar pre amp with control buttons similar to a traditional guitar amplifier. You have 12 preamps at your feet at all times, and access to In this respect it strikes a nice compromise for users who wants easy recall and reproduction of predefined sounds without having to navigate menus and complex routing systems. You can connect a computer but you don?t have to. Even if you don?t like computers, do yourself the favor of backup up your sounds to one. It takes 1 minute. Or use the app for your phone.
Most surprisingly none of the 50 included pre amp sounds is a let down. Mooer have resisted the traditional trend of factory presets being exaggerated highlights of certain effects. Each preset out of the box is usable as-is. Of course tweaking is easy so this is just a comfortable starting point.
The pre amp is carefully designed with a serial and parallel routing scheme which offers perfect integration with an existing favorite amp or direct studio recording.
A Tone Capture feature lets you copy and simulate the EQ profile of other equipment. This is simple and works nicely but note that it is only an EQ profile. It is not an amp simulation that mimics the distortion and dynamics. If for example you profile a fuzz pedal you will not get a fuzz signal, but the tonal characteristic of the fuzz signal compared to your clean guitar signal.
Much more could be said, you get a simple midi controller and can control the unit via midi. You can choose cabinet types, microphone type and placement and there are two outputs with individual choice of whether to use cabinet simulation. Great design. When changing parameters the changes in sound are convincing. Even though it is called a ?pre? amp there is actually also power amp simulation where you choose the characteristics of common types of power amp tubes.
Grab your guitar and you will learn the ins and outs of this product within two hours.
My only minor beef with getting started was a misinformation in the manual about how to upgrade firmware and the absence of a midi implementation chart. I found another manual version and Mooer sent me the midi chart within hours.