Bought 2, for our kids (age 10).
They work - plug-n-play,
And, they have the features we looked for.
They don't seem fragile - the PitchBend & Tremolo wheels also seem robust enough to last.
Key action :
The key-action is also good. Some notes aren't registered, if the key is pressed softly - but most mini-key keyboards have issues regarding action/velocity/etc.
4 Velocity-presets is available (soft/medium/hard/fixed), and "fixed" seem to fix this.
Pads :
They need to be hard-pressed - which isn't uncommon for these keyboards. They work.
Arpeggiator :
Is super. It works a bit different than the one on Akai Mini MPK2, but it works, and our kids love it.
Chords :
A fine tool / thing to try. It can be adjusted, as with the arppegiator - major, minor, etc.
It works just as good and limited, as in the more expensive stand-alone keyboards - because that one changes chord-type in melodies (from major to minor to 7's etc).
Metronome :
Works, puts forward the channel's voice (so, it is only usable, when one plays a drumkit with the keyboard).
Software :
The control-sw haven't been tested yet, so I don't know.
The bundle: It is a DIY-project - some in the bundle, cannot be found at the webpages, and Finale is only in German. The Samplitude-sequenser seem fine, and works.
All in all :
For the price, we are very satisfied - and each of our kids now have their own keyboard, and have already explored sequensing and playing.