The M2 looks even better than on the pictures and sounds good both active as passive through my bass modeller, a tad more versatile when active.
It is a pretty lightweight bass, has no neckdive and I find the neck easy to play, used to play on a Thunderbird.
The wood that the body is made out of might be weak though, especially the upper horn since there isn’t lot of material there, so use a good stand and straplocks.
There is only one thing I can put a finger on.
We use one of AEG’s dual wireless mini systems, when I tuned the bass I noticed that my lead guitars tuner got the bass too when only the bass transmitter was on, unmited and turned up the lead guitar amp and heard the bass splatter, so something in the M2’s EQ circuit messes with the wireless even when it is set on passive, doesn’t happen with both transmitters enabled, but still an issue that should not exist, will have to check the EQ circuit in the bass, might need to take it out since this never hapoens with my Thunderbird which has active pups, nor my Bass VI and old Tokai, so minus 1 star for a very versatile EQ circuit that adds a major issue.