I bought this bass, primarily to bring it to school, since I did not feel like bringing an actual fully sized bass.
It is perfect for that purpose. Is it a high quality, and great instrument?
Absolutely not. But for what you pay, you get a really nice instrument.
Very easy to carry around, works for practicing when you don't wanna bring your full sized bass, and if you are able to set the controls right, it also has a good sound.
It takes some getting used to. The rubber strings are really odd, but I find them fun. The controls are quite hard to figure out (though it might not be for everyone). I would say that you also need to get used to the pickup. Unlike electric basses, this one detects vibrations, and is located in the bridge. So if you even slightly rub your finger on the pickup, it will make static (if the bass is plugged in). But if you can get used to playing it, and you can make it so that the tone is clean when plugged in, then I love it. I would suggest if you are looking for something silent and easy to carry in public, to work, to school, etc. Then 100% get it!
I would not use it live, however I don't know when i would used a ukulele bass live in general.
I like it, and I enjoy playing it.