I was tired of drooping pop shields. Where most pop shields use a flexible goose neck, this one has a linkage system with multiple ball joints that can be individually locked. This novel design of pop shield is not only inexpensive, but IT WORKS! The Gravity MA 3D A POP 1 is easy to position, and stays in position.
Although it is made mostly of plastic, so long as it is treated with a reasonable amount of care, it looks like it should give long and trouble-free service. (I'll update this review if that proves to be not the case).
The ball joints don't need to be very tight - just nip them up enough to hold their position and the pop shield will stay exactly where you put it. (over-tightening could be a point of failure, but there is absolutely no need to over-tighten).
The shield itself comprises two layers of thin fabric with a gap between the layers, which is noticeably more effective than single layer designs.
The thing that surprises me most about the Gravity MA 3D A POP 1 is that it isn't the number #1 best selling pop-shield. If you're looking for a pop shield that is easy to position and stays where you position it - this is the one! Currently priced at under £14 GBP it is among the cheapest pop shields, and is one of the best at any price.