This Epiphone Les Paul - HCS is my second one of these uke models. At first, I bought the VS colored one, tried it, played it, fell in love with it and decided to get this cherry sunburst one too. As an "excuse" to myself, I decided that I have to have a backup uke while on stage. It's a pity they don't manufacture those in tenor sizes because I really do need one and I do like the Epiphone "LesPaul" theme.
Anyway, both of these uke models are surprisingly identical in finish, except for the color theme of course. They sound very much similar, both with or without electrical amplifying, and a very good thing esthetically, is a possibility not to use separately included white pickguard if you really don't need it (black would look better, heck, why not include them both)! Anyway, somebody or someone is really taking seriously the manufacturing quality here. A very nice instrument line indeed! Awesome sounds and beautiful finishes for "just" quite low priced ukuleles. I'm a fan and I like!
There is this one thing though. You should consider swapping the factory stringset to get everything out as I did. There is a slight possibility that you might not like slightly elastic feel and sound of the factory set.
This ukulele is the far most funniest instrument I've ever had!