So these strings really are extremely light, so light in fact that they very easily go out of tune on my guitar if you fret with even reasonable pressure. It's very easy to do this unintentionally. This is in part expected on my end, since these strings are litterally the lightest strings i have been able to find on the internet. Good news is that they sound great as long as the player manages to keep them in tune.
Moreover, they did not break for me. At all. To put this into perspective, i have used the same set of strings on my guitar for over 6 months by now and they do not sound as good as when new, but they didn't break, which one might expect from such thin strings.
I must warn you. Watch out, they are unbelieveably light. 3 step bends are possible for even uncallused fingers and inexperienced fingers.
A bit of context that might be relevant about my guitar. I do not have locking tuners or a locking nut. I do not have a bridge with a whammy bar or a floyd rose.
Overall, great product that performs as advertised and in a lot of ways, even better than advertised. In this case it's just a bit too much.