PROS: The product works as expected. The 90-degree socket orientation is reason I bought this product and I think it is much better than the ubiquitous angled socket power strip. I have no idea why manufacturers chose to angel the sockets, it really makes it impossible to plug bulkier plugs such as power adapters, timers, wireless switches, etc. The cable material is quite flexible and it's easy to straighten and it quickly forgets any kinks and bends, unlike some cables that are too stiff and horrible to work with. The switch feels solid and has a backlight that is lit only in the "on" position (good). The unit has four mounting holes which makes this ideal for under-desk mounting. Overall the design is top-notch.
SO-SO: The materials and build quality are decent, however, the plastic shell could be a little thicker. The sides do flex a tiny bit when squeezed, which makes the product feel a little "cheaper", but for 8.70 € at the time of this review I really cannot complain.
CONS: At 1.5 metres, the cable is too short. If you want a longer cable you have to purchase the 6-socket model, but I only need 4 sockets. OK, I thought, maybe I can just use a screw driver to open the product and install a longer cable—easy. Think again! The product is permanently held together by rivets, no screws, so there is no way to change the cable without breaking the product. In a world that is obsessed with "going green" and "protecting the environment", it really would help to make products that are easy to service when they break. This power strip's most probable point of failure will be the on-off switch. When that goes, I will try drilling out the rivets using a drill press and I might just be able to replace them with screws. For the cable I might need to botch it cutting off the plug and soldering an extension, protecting the joint with heat-shrink tubing to make it look as aesthetically pleasing as possible.
Giving it 3 starts total rating because I'm annoyed about the short cable, which I cannot remedy because of the rivets, and 4 stars for quality.