It took me two hours to adjust it when received. I had to play a bit, adjust, play and so forth. I suspect that I must keep on adjusting it for a while before I am satisfied. The main problem is that there is no instruction on how and what to adjust with reference to your body. Neither is there any indication of “the most ergonomically correct” position of the two leather pads.
At this point my conclusion is that this strap does not in any way give you the benefit of a real harness when playing a heavier saxophone. Still, it gives you more comfort than a traditional strap when playing alto and tenor with the added benefit of not having to change straps if you also play the soprano.
I will probably not recommend this strap if you intend to use it with a barytone or if you are in a marching band playing the tenor. Both situations demand more comfort than this strap offers.
I have yet to try it on stage, but I suspect that quick shifts between instruments will be a bit more demanding than using different straps/harnesses for each instrument.
On the positive side, this strap makes it easier to place the tenor and alto correctly when playing (than a harness would) - still freeing your neck from the gnawing sensation of a traditional strap and giving you the benefit of using the same strap for the soprano.